
2019/1/2  新聞精選  by  FENG-YI  Consultant 



1.金色晨訊 | Bakkt比特幣期貨合約發布日期將推遲 比特幣跌破3700美元關口




4.韓國濟州島市長:區塊鏈是一種顛覆性技術 不僅限于任何特定領域。





9.Stellar CTO:大多數金融機構都不會使用比特幣。

1. [Golden morning news | Bakkt bitcoin futures contract release date will be postponed Bitcoin fell below the $3,700 mark]

1. The release date of the Bakkt Bitcoin futures contract will be postponed.

2. Iran claims that Telegram's coins are a threat to national security.

3. Bitcoin fell below the $3,700 mark.

4. Mayor of Jeju Island, South Korea: Blockchain is a disruptive technology not limited to any specific field.

5.Bakkt announced that it has raised $182.5 million from 12 investors including Microsoft and Naspers.

6.V God has just sent 14 tweets for the year-end summary.

7. Two Georgian encryption mining companies were included in the top five power consumers list.

8. Spokesperson for the Korea Financial Services Commission: Congress has submitted six bills.

9. Stellar CTO: Most financial institutions do not use Bitcoin.

2.動態 | 比特幣挖礦難度兩周後將再次上調9.43%


2. [Dynamic | Bitcoin mining will increase 9.43% again after two weeks]

According to btc.com data, after the bitcoin mining difficulty was raised to 5.62T yesterday, it is expected that the next difficulty will be raised again by 9.43% to 6.15T. Bitcoin computing power began to rise continuously after falling to 33.223EH/s on December 9, 2018. The current BTC calculation power is 44.684EH/s, and the 24h increase is 14.57%.

3.動態 | 2018年比特幣最低價是曆年最高的一次


3. [Dynamic | The lowest price of Bitcoin in 2018 is the highest in the calendar year]

Japanese Twitter users found that between 2012 and 2018, the lowest price of Bitcoin during the year was $4, $65, $200, $185, $365, $780, and $3,200. Among them, the lowest price in 2018 is the highest in the calendar year.

4.動態 | USDT占比特幣交易比重超60%


4. [Dynamic | USDT accounts for over 60% of Bitcoin transactions]

According to the cryptocompare data, the current bitcoin transactions are ranked according to the transaction currency. The first is USDT, which is 62.56%; the second is USD, accounting for 15.55%; the third is The yen, accounting for 11.09%; the fourth is the euro, accounting for 3.72%; the fifth is QC, accounting for 2.10%; the Korean won sixth, accounting for 1.64%.

5.行情 | 比特幣兌法幣交易美元占比46.97%位居首位


5. [Market | Bitcoin against the French currency, the dollar accounted for 46.97% in the first place]

According to the coins of the coinhills, the top five in terms of bitcoin and French currency transactions are the US dollar (46.97%), the Japanese yen (40.26%), the Korean won (9.16%), the euro (1.85%), and the British pound (0.64%).

6.聲音 | 比特幣開發者Jimmy Song:去中心化是比特幣相對于競爭幣成功的關鍵

比特幣開發者Jimmy Song的一篇博客文章中寫道,隨著最大的加密貨幣比特幣與其他加密貨幣的分離,人們對比特幣與競爭幣的看法在2018年永遠改變了。他表示:比特幣與衆不同,因爲比特幣是去中心化的。


6. [Sound | Bitcoin Developer Jimmy Song: Decentralization is the key to the success of Bitcoin versus the competition]

Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song wrote in a blog post that with the separation of the largest cryptocurrency bitcoin from other cryptocurrencies, the perception of bitcoin and competing coins has changed forever in 2018. He said: Bitcoin is different because Bitcoin is decentralized.

The benefits of decentralization are often subtle and easily overlooked, but they are real benefits. What we saw in 2018 is that having a lot of "developer activities" is not the same as what the production market wants. What sets Bitcoin apart is that it publishes the features that are actually used, rather than publishing a lot of useless features like many competing currencies.


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